Poem: “I couldn’t ask God for better” (dedicated to my wife Ernella)
I couldn’t ask God for better, you’re a sweet wife, Ernella
With you I can’t help but look forward to the future
My love for you is so deep, yet it grows deeper.
Jesus is in our marriage, and I know that it will grow
5 years ago today, what a day it was
God joined us together as a demonstration of His love
And today is testimony of His unfailing love
To God be the glory great things He has done
The sacrifices you make for my sake everyday
Is a great debt that I cannot easily repay
But I pray that I’ll always be all God called me to be
To be the great husband you need me to be
You are a Champion in Christ, and a priceless wife
Who helps me to press on in this journey of life
And with you by my side, together we will climb
To the mountain tops of blessings God has for you and I
You are a beautiful woman, on the inside and out
And true to the old proverb, you know what you’re about
You’re an encouragement to me that helps me to be strong
Very warm and loving, motivating and firm
You’re a strong woman, many burdens have you beared
Only you and God knows how much have you faced
And often times I have not been there with you as I should
Present circumstances also make it so difficult
But Jesus our Saviour, who continues to keep you
Has prepared you for the great things He is about to show
You are GREAT WOMAN, mother and wife of my children
A true servant of God, and dedicated to His mission
You’re an inspiration to me and to many others,
An example to follow, you’re a true role model
I am blessed to have you, my dear, sweet wife Ernella
Indeed, without a doubt, I couldn’t ask God for better.